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BOMAR PROJEKT design office was established in 2005. 
It was founded by two partners Bogusław Stejkowski and Marcin Kraciuk.
The company deals with designing all kinds of constructions of residential buildings, public and sports facilities, industrial works and objects in other more specialized fields.
Our fundamental rule is realizing projects according to the highest standards. We try to satisfy all our clients by delivering top quality projects to them. 
BOMAR PROJEKT is a wholly computerized office where we use specialized software that supports designing and allows full optimization of the project’s principles.  
In 2013, we introduced to our desing system of BIM software Revit and programs working with it . It gives us the opportunity to meet the requirements set by the construction market - high accuracy, elimination of errors and collisions, easy cooperation with designers, construction and investor.

We have designed more than 200 structure projects of many various sizes and functions. Many investors, architects and general contractors have trusted us.

You are welcome to make yourself acquainted with our offer!

Marcin Kraciuk

Born in 1976 in Warsaw. Graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Warsaw Technical University in 2002 with the Master of Science degree in civil engineering. Since 2006 a licensed constructions designer and a member of Mazowiecka Chamber of Architecture Engineers.

Bogusław Stejkowski

Born in 1972 in Łódź. Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Landscape Engineering at the Technical University in Łódź in 1997 with the Master of Science degree in civil engineering. A licensed designer in constructions since 2001 and a member of Regional Chamber of Architecture Engineers in Łódź.

Our team:

Piotr Kubicki, Paulina Jurkitewicz, Żaneta Krasuska, Krzysztof Kawka, Sebastian Zawieska, Tomasz Śliwka, Anna Michalska, Dominika Kawecka, Joanna Żwirska, Grzegorz Sroka